Saturday, May 26, 2018

One Monthly Goal - May Finish

Allie's Garden of Contement

Spring on Bleecker Street

OMG for May was to add these borders.


I still haven't decided if I'm going to add another border to Spring on Bleecker Street.

Elm Street Quilts


Sweet Momma Bird


Everyone have a wonderful Weekend!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Pineapple Quilt and More

How To Sew A Pineapple Quilt Wall Hanging

My Sweet Daughter picked this cute pattern and the fabric out for her.

I've just started on this one.

Here are a couple of the leaves.


Sweet Goodies from Shelley.
The perfect size coffee cup!!


We had a couple of visitors.

He comes for water, but never gets very close.  Took these from the window.

This bad boy will not be coming back.  We do kill the venomous snakes.  We have enough without them reproducing. Upsets some of the neighbors.  I ask what do you do with them.  One said he takes them across the street.  Hey, that's where I live....hmmm


The man and his first peppers this season.


Most of the things I like to do are sitting....quilting, reading, and the computer.

I'm trying out a new hobby to get me up on my feet.

It's really kind of fun and at least I'm moving around.

Dehydrating some veggies. Not sure what I'll do with them, maybe in a soup.

I did some apples, but Mick eats those right away.

He did some jerky with the packs that came with the dehydrator, but it was pretty salty.  If anyone has a good recipe for jerky, please share.